Is the Original Bill Included When Using RUBS?

When implementing a Ratio Utility Billing System (RUBS) for your multifamily property, you may wonder whether you need to include the original utility bill along with the individual tenant invoices. Let’s explore this common question and best practices for RUBS billing transparency.

The Short Answer: It Depends

There’s no universal requirement to include the original master utility bill when using RUBS. However, providing this information can promote transparency and help tenants understand how their individual charges are calculated.

Benefits of Including the Original Bill

While not mandatory, there are several advantages to sharing the master utility bill with tenants:

  1. Increased transparency: Showing tenants the total property bill helps them understand how their portion is derived.
  2. Reduced disputes: When tenants can see the original charges, they’re less likely to question the fairness of their allocated costs.
  3. Education on usage: Seeing the overall property consumption can encourage conservation efforts among residents.

Best Practices for RUBS Billing

Whether or not you include the original bill, here are some tips for implementing RUBS effectively:

  1. Clear communication: Explain the RUBS formula and allocation method to tenants upfront.
  2. Consistent billing: Send utility bills to residents on a regular monthly basis.
  3. Detailed invoices: Provide a breakdown of how each tenant’s charges were calculated.
  4. Accessibility: Make the master utility bill available upon request, even if not included with every invoice.
  5. Legal compliance: Ensure your RUBS program adheres to local and state regulations.


While including the original utility bill with RUBS invoices isn’t always necessary, it can foster trust and understanding between property managers and tenants. The key is to maintain transparency in your billing process and be prepared to answer any questions tenants may have about their utility charges.

Remember, a well-implemented RUBS program can benefit both property owners and residents by promoting fair cost allocation and encouraging conservation. By focusing on clear communication and transparency, you can create a positive experience for everyone involved.



