Do Leasing Consultants Take 15-Minute Breaks Daily?

For leasing consultants and agents working in property management, taking regular breaks during the workday is an important but sometimes overlooked issue. Let’s look at whether 15-minute breaks are typically taken daily in states that allow them.

State Laws Vary

The first thing to understand is that break laws vary significantly from state to state. While some states mandate rest breaks for employees, others do not have any specific break requirements. So whether leasing consultants are entitled to or typically take 15-minute breaks depends heavily on their location.

Breaks Often Not Enforced

Even in states that do require rest breaks, enforcement can be lax in the property management industry. One employee review noted that while their company handbook mentioned two 15-minute paid breaks for 8-hour shifts, “neither is true” in practice. The fast-paced nature of leasing work may lead some companies to discourage breaks.

Informal Breaks Common

That said, many leasing consultants do take informal short breaks throughout the day as their schedule allows. These may not be formal 15-minute breaks, but rather quick 5-10 minute breaks between appointments or tasks.

Benefits of Regular Breaks

Taking regular short breaks has been shown to improve productivity, focus, and job satisfaction. For leasing agents who spend much of their day interacting with potential tenants, brief breaks can help them recharge and provide better customer service.

Best Practices for Employers

Property management companies should review their state’s specific break laws and ensure they have clear policies. Encouraging leasing staff to take their entitled breaks, even if just 10-15 minutes, can lead to happier, more effective employees.

The Bottom Line

While 15-minute daily breaks are not universally taken by leasing consultants, they are beneficial when allowed and enforced. Leasing agents should familiarize themselves with their state laws and company policies regarding breaks. And employers would do well to create a culture that recognizes the value of regular rest periods for their leasing staff.By understanding and implementing appropriate break policies, both leasing consultants and property management companies can create a more positive and productive work environment.



